An open-sourced web application for the City of Vancouver that allows organizations to easily manage and deliver voting information for proposed elections. The front-end technologies used for this application are React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Memory game is designed to improve pattern tracking and sense of direction while challenging a user’s short-term memory and ability to memorize tiles on a grid and their location. This application was made using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, mySQL and Bootstrap.
HealthNW is a group project developed to promote healthy living in the City of New Westminster. This android application retrieves data from JSON datasets from . This application was made with Java on Android Studio and the utilizes MapBox’s API technology.
A application that randomly generates random math questions involving addition and subtraction of two numbers ranging from 0 to 50. The application demonstrates java object oriented design along with frontend design and styling that is built on Android Studio.
A website created for a fictional company, Marina Cafe. This website was developed as collaborative effort with another classmate. Marina Cafe was developed using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
Countries of the world is an android application that reads a JSON dataset from a URL ( ) allowing the user to browse the countries of the world based on continents and regions. This application demonstrates the use of liseteners, adapters, listview controls, Asynctask objects, JSON and is made with Java on Android studio. The user is also able to share data using the shareActionProvider class.
A chess game created using java. Chess game built with object oriented programming and was designs with concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and dependency.
A chat app that has emoji and video calling support. Gossip Room enables users to interact with each other on a chatting interface while also being able to video call between two users. Gossip room was built using Ruby on Rails mainly using ruby, JavaScript, jQuery, and CoffeeScript.